Introduction Of Ms Word 2013

Microsoft version 2013

Introduction to the MS word 2013  


Microsoft Word 2013 is a word processing program used to look professional. 

Documents such as reports, letters, letters, reminders and newsletters. It involves a lot of powerful people  

Tools that can be easily used to create and edit documents, and collaborate with others. 

Handout 2013 provides word reviews on how the user interface and performance perform

Start and exit programs like this; Create, save, open, close, editing, Shaping, and printing of documents; Implementation style and get help.

To start version 2013 from the Start menu:

Click on the Start button on All Programs Microsoft 1. Click on Office 2013, and then click

Word 2013. The initial screen appears (see Figure1) 

 In the right pane, click Blank Document. A new, blank document can be opened in the program 

 The window. Figure 

 File menu 



In Microsoft Office 2007, there was something called the Microsoft Office Button on the left

Ear. In Microsoft Office 2013, it was replaced with a tab in a ribbon label file, when

If you give in to this tab, a new window will appear. From this menu you can perform the same actions

As found under the Microsoft Office Buttons menu, such as: Create new document, Open

Save and print existing files, files in various ways. Sorry - your document is gone! That 's it

Click the left arrow above to return your document 

Using the word Microsoft 

A word processor is a computer program used to create and print text documents

Otherwise, a typewriter should be created on the typewriter. 

The key advantage of a word processor is its ability

Easily make changes, such as correcting spelling, adding, deleting, formatting and moving text. once upon


Created documents can be printed for quick modification and validation for later edits. In fact,


The document you are now reading, only one of today's features was created using a number of features.


Available in Microsoft Word!


Open Microsoft Word:


Before you start Microsoft version (commonly referred to as MS version), you'll need

Find it and open it on a computer. It can also be on your desktop.

From a computer desktop:

1. Double-click on the MS Word icon 

Go to Start menu if MS Word icon is not on desktop 

* Sometimes, Microsoft Word is in a folder called "Microsoft Office" - or something similar - 

The diagram above will make one more step between "Program" and "Microsoft Word". 

MS Word will open a blank page called "Document 1". This is a picture of the upper left corner of the M word   




In order to use MS Word effectively, you must input commands using both the mouse and the


keyboard. The above image of a keyboard may closely resemble (if it is not identical to) the keyboard


in front of you; learning just a few certain keys will help to improve your efficiency in typing as well as


present you with more options within the program. The following is a list of commonly used keys that


have special functions in MS Word (key functions can change depending on which program you are using):


1. Backspace: This key deletes backwards as you type.

2. Delete: This key deletes forwards as you type.

3. Shift: This key, when pressed with the second box, will perform a secondary function.

4. Spacebar: This key will insert a space between the words as you type.

5. Tab: This key press 10 to 10 places, or to go.

6. Cape Lock: This key will offer a capitalized version of each character's key.

7. Control (Ctrl): This key, when pressed with another key, will act as a shortcut.

8. Insert: This key terminates a command (press into MS version, it starts a new line).

9. Number keypad: This is an honor  keypad available for user preference only.

10. Arrow Keys: Like a mouse, these keys are used to navigate through documents.

Easy in Microsoft version

Typing text 

To enter text, use a typewriter as you would.

To capitalize the letter, hold down SHIFT while writing the letter.

Or, press Caps Lock on the left-hand side of your keyboard. You have to knock

Caps Lock once again - once you're done - to lock-in.

You do not need to press enter to start a new line - Microsoft Word will wrap 

The phrase at the end of the line.

Remove the link at the end of your phrase from somewhere else on the page,

Use the mouse or the keys to press a key or place (double-click)

Mouse button) and then click on what you want to add - the text will be fine

Is included

Press ENTER to start the new paragraph (sometimes referred to as "scroll down").

Editorial - The following types of writing on your paper:

Mr. Pepper, Today is a good day. I had an introduction at work. Turn it off

Deleting the script

When typing documents, sometimes you will make a mistake. Like a typewriter, MS Word can

Deleting the text on the screen and not scrolling through the screen as if you had never typed it on the first page.

There are two different buttons on the keyboard that will allow you to delete text. These are "deleted"

Cache and the "Backspace" key (page 7 and # 2 on the keyboard map page 7) with the "Backspace" key

Deletes the words on the left side of the cursor, and the "Delete" key deletes the words in RIGHT.

The cursor.

End in rescue

Let's assume the vertical line in the example above is the word "creative".

Deleting the "backspace" key will remove "e," "e," "r," "c," etc. "Delete" check

"T," "i," "v," "e," and so on, moving the right.

Closing the program

As you see with this program becoming more and more salutary, it is always helpful to continue

Experiment with the options that come with you - Occasionally - sometimes, you will find a tool

It would stay closed - and you could improve your skills by learning all the details

Of the program. When you are finished,

Click the File menu, then click Close. 


Click X at the top corner of the computer screen.

It's so easy! If you save before attempting to close the program, the keyword will take priority

You can save the file. Make sure you save if you want to make any changes!!



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